Usually Satudays are spent in the garagedc (above) coding away integrating the application we are building. Its a full days work and usually the outcome is another module completed or integrated. This saturday however was quite different.
Friday the weather was absolutly terrible, it was raining, it was cold and from my point of view it was a totally undesirable day ! (i love the heat. I am pretty much like superman and all my energy comes from the sun) Thursday was the same, also a terrible cold and damp day...
Saturday however was GREAT, it started out pretty cold but the sun came up and shone brightly in the sky, pushing away all the clouds, the gloom and rejuvinating my energy source.
A mate of mine called up and said he wanted to come over at 3ish. This was was perfect cause garage datacenter artist and i had been working till about 2:30 and he had to leave to do some christmas shopping. When my mate arrived we had a bit of a chat in the garage then headed off to the beach to get some fish and chips and sit under the sun. We literally sat under the sun for 3-4 hours, it was great and its what summer is all about in sydney. It cant be beaten, whether your in any other state in australia or any other country (well the ones i have been to anyway) none of them can compare.
On the sand we talked about the financial crisis, the project we were doing, work and how to get out of being sue'd (more on that later) it was great and my energy source is truelly now replenished. I even managed to save a lady bug that was stuck in the sand and getting washed around in the waves :)
Sunday (ie today) is also nice and sunny, however im getting back to work to do some more integration.

Above are some images from the day off from the garage datacenter ... The truth of the matter is, i work so hard in the garagedc to one day *hopefully* be able to enjoy this kind of atmosphere EVERYDAY .... I could really see myself sitting on a balconey somewhere, outlooking this view and typing away on my laptop *taking care of business* (whatever that business maybe)
Ok ... gonna put in my next entry :)
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