Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Project Status Report 1 - (Amber)

Why not, we always do this kind of stuff at work. Status reports and all sorts of meaningless documentation that add's hours upon hours of overhead and thousands upon thousands of meaningless dollars (in some cases)

So how is the development of the software going. If i was going to submit this as a status to the project board i would say amber. Reason being that we have quite a few problems but we know how to address them all, nothing is in an unknown state (which to me is very important), only thing is we are abit behind schedule interms of timeframe and implementation.

Garage Datacenter Mobile Man has taken the iMac to his place to begin development for the iPhone so that we have mobility available for our application. He has begun looking into the web application aspect of it and this is probably the way forward for our application. The decision of native app VS web app was decided in a meeting last week and its going to be moving forward as a web application.

Garage Datacenter Artist has been hacking away at the templates and the Javascript to get the UI frontend working as required. This has been a difficult and tedious task but he has done an extremely supurb job progressing as he has. All the issues and difficulties have all been address and its all down to the implementation and the nitty gritty of the development and implementation of the solved problems.

Garage Datacenter CEO (me). I have been working on a few of the backend algorithms and processes to ensure things are optomized. I have looked at memcaching and various other ways to address better performance. I have also been working heavily on the integration of the templates to the core backend application. Most of the heavily technical problems that where present at the backend have also been addressed and implemented, the main requirement now is to finish all facets of integration.

Garage Datacenter Hitman: Garage datacenter hitman has been working on procurement lately as the core backend hardware has been built. He has managed to source the apple iMac for a whopping $0 for us to develop on. Great job in getting the iMac for the best price possible.

So thats about it for project status 1 for the application build. Things going well and an updated status report will be posted next week friday or thursday reporting on progress.

Till the next post .... enjoy christmas and have a safe holiday to all ... i'll be coding all holiday long (well accept for new years eve where im going to let loooooooossse)

Ciao !

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