Sunday, December 14, 2008

QuANTum mechAnicS ...

Quantum mechanics ... what is it ? Quantum mechanics is the way the world works in the microscopic world beyond the human eye's capability to see, beyond the most powerful microscopes, beyond what we as the human race to date understand even with the most ADVANCED equipment .... alot of the behaviour in the Quantum world is unexplainable. Alot of the properties of this world can be seen and observed from our world but how it actually operates and functions internally is still unknown ...

Quantum mechanics in many cases is just weird ... quantum mechanics predicts alternate universes and different realities (the twilight zone maybe) where things can be very similar to this world only with minor differences or can be very different, where the constructs of nature itself is not that which is similar to nature in this universe we have we are just *beginning* to understand ...

SO ... lets for a moment imagine we are in one of these alternate universes that QuANTum mechAnicS creates ....

Imagine an alternate universe, a universe where people run around mindless and almost drone like, not everyone but a large portion, where people follow orders without thinking, without knowing why they are doing a particular task ... imagine a world where people talk but do not do or a world where a person who has a title such as ENGINEER isnt really an ENGINEER but a COOK even though ENGINEER in this alternate universe actually does mean someone who is technically aware in a particular field, whether it is computing, mechanical or industrial.

Imagine an alternate universes where people run around in circles without reason, similar to that of headless chooks. Imagine an alternate universe such as that which QuANTum mechAnicS creates where the people who are supposed to be leaders act like spinless robots and where manipulation and evil forces are strong and affect the flow of this world, where this evil is old and cunning, where this evil knows no bounds and this evil wishes to destroy everthing that opposes it ...

What would this world be like that QuANTum mechAnicS creates and predicts .. i would be scared to enter a world such as this .. i would pray that if i ever encountered a place like this in my dreams that i would never again be exposed to such stupidty, such evil and such incompetence ....

Lets hope that when quantum mechanics works out a way to open wormholes and portals to other worlds that the technology can also predict places such as this ...


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