This is kind of a random entry but I thought it would be fun as bit of a thought experiment ...
Our brain looks at patterns to help us solve problems (how many times have we had to solve those phsycology questions (for jobs etc) through understanding the pattern and finding out what the next pattern should be).
When we look at a foreign language we try to see if there are repeating characters and from the pattern of repeating characters we can take a guess at what the english equivilant of that set of characters may mean.
For particular types of AI algorithms we look at patterns and reoccurances and based on those patterns we can allow a program to classify and take an educated guess at what a particular value should be or may mean.
Even in music, under all the guitar, the piano and the drums there is a pattern which is follow'd. Thats why good musicans can *jam* with each other even though they havnt ever played with each other before, cause they understand the underly pattern and the way the music works and repeats.
Now lets take this one step further, have we ever looked at our lives and tried to determine if there was a pattern in the way *things* happens to us. Do certain things more often than not always happen in a certain way. Do we always experience bad luck before good luck, do we always experience success/failure if we surround ourselves with certain people. If we look at the major events of our life i think the lead up to the event is the most important aspect to look at. How did the major event start (what was the seed). I think if you take that approach and take it all the way to the actual occurance of the event (if there is a pattern) you will be able to notice it.
The question i guess is ... can we see through all those patterns and decipher if there is a hidden message, a hidden way in how we should do things to ensure that more often then not we succeed ?!?!
Just something fun to think about .... Anyway for everyones fun .... a pattern below ... can you see the hidden image :) Enjoy ..

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